Leadership Development

4 Apr, 2016

From Good to Gone: Three Ways Your Business Is Shooting Itself in the Foot

By |2016-04-04T23:48:42+00:00April 4th, 2016|Accountability, Business Growth, Business Strategy, Corporate Culture, Employee Retention, Leadership, Leadership Development, Leading & Managing Change|

Sooner or later, your business will probably die. The statistics for a start-up business are well known—50 percent fail within the first five years. Even the biggest companies are not immune from eventual obsolescence, however. [...]

9 Jun, 2013

The Scary Side of Mentoring

By |2016-10-29T15:29:42+00:00June 9th, 2013|Book Reviews, Business Growth, Corporate Culture, Leadership, Leadership Development, Results|

The old-fashioned view of mentoring is someone outside a learner’s chain of command who equips that learner with new skills and knowledge. It is an archaic expert to novice or smart to unwise philosophy. The goal is the transfer of information or expertise, much like pouring knowledge into the head of a passive learner. It is the model that antiquated teachers used to teach facts students only recalled long enough to score favorably on the test.

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