It’s only taken about four years, but now it seems that consultants and companies selling a every type of product or service have jumped on the Results Rule! bandwagon.

We’ve seen the phrase used everywhere from an image consultant to an Internet company. We’ve even seen a couple of consultants who provide similar services to ours use it in describing the type of organization they help create.

Our response? We are flattered that so many people are finally getting the message. At the end of the day, working hard and completing your “To Do” list of activities are not enough.

Think of it this way: Your waiter brings the wrong item to you in a restaurant. Do you really care or even want to hear that the kitchen staff is working hard? In the restaurant as in life Results Rule!

Which leads us to this blog.


We are the official Results Rule!® folks. We’ve been at it for over twenty years and have offered our services under this umbrella since 2006 when we trademarked the name and the Results Rule! book was published by John Wiley & Sons.

Our goal is to share strategies, ideas, and resources to help you distinguish yourself in the marketplace you serve … as an organization and an individual.

So please join us in the Results Rule! Revolution.

Randy Pennington