Performance Improvement

1 Oct, 2018

FAQ’s About Employee Discipline for the New Workplace

By |2018-10-01T23:06:26+00:00October 1st, 2018|Corporate Culture, Employee Retention, Leadership, Others, Performance Improvement|

My SHRM “Viewpoints” post about discipline in today's workplace opened with this: Progressive discipline, as practiced in most organizations, is legally defensible … and flawed in its logic. It is rooted in the decades-old mindset that treating people progressively [...]

11 Jul, 2012

What’s Up With the Economy? Uncertainty

By |2012-07-11T14:06:28+00:00July 11th, 2012|Accountability, Business Growth, Business Strategy, Execution, Innovation, Leadership, Others, Performance Improvement, Results|

Another month, and another weaker than expected jobs report. So what’s up with the economy? Welcome to the new normal: Unemployment that is higher than anything we can remember in decades. Scores jobs are available due to a lack of skilled workers. Slow growth that feels like a recession even though technically it isn’t, and most of all, uncertainty.

1 Jul, 2012

Delcare Independence from Fear and Uncertainty

By |2016-10-29T15:29:49+00:00July 1st, 2012|Accountability, Business Strategy, Integrity & Ethics, Leadership, Others, Performance Improvement, Personal Development, Results|

We live in an era of unprecedented uncertainty. At least that is what we are led to believe. Yes, the economy is sputtering at best. Jobs are at risk or non-existent. Europe could implode financially. The Middle East could implode politically. Depending on your political views, either the left or the right is about to take the country over a cliff from which there is no return. The challenges we face are certainly more expansive in their scope, but unprecedented uncertainty? Hardly. Do you believe that the level of personal anxiety is any higher today than that which existed during the Cuban Missile Crisis; World War I or II; the Civil War; the Great Depression; or life in the American colonies during the Revolutionary War?

2 Jun, 2011

Engage Your People to Engage Your Customers

By |2016-10-29T15:29:58+00:00June 2nd, 2011|Accountability, Business Growth, Business Strategy, Corporate Culture, Employee Retention, Execution, Innovation, Leadership, Performance Improvement, Personal Development, Results|

Right now – as you are reading this sentence – 70 percent of your staff are alienating your customers, keeping you from achieving your goals, or costing your company money that could be used for more productive uses. Scary, huh?

25 May, 2011

How Important Are Your Values? What Is Your Number 2?

By |2011-05-25T18:31:34+00:00May 25th, 2011|Accountability, Business Growth, Business Strategy, Corporate Culture, Integrity & Ethics, Leadership, Performance Improvement, Personal Development, Results|

Values – every company hangs them on the wall and distributes them on wallet cards. It is the same for individuals. Ask ten of your friends to list their values, and at least eighty percent will use words like respect, integrity, and honesty. So how important are your values? Will you sacrifice them for the results and outcomes you desire? Are they so important that you would lay down your life – figuratively or literally – to protect them?

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